2. Why should someone Learn C++ ?

Recently I surveyed Students/C++ Beginners and Programmers good to see above 80% are using C++11 or above C++11.

Also, I am seeing that the popularity of C++ rising quickly. So it really becomes very important to understand Modern C++. Having said that, I get the question from many students why should I learn C++? So before why should I learn C++ Let's see what is C++? How C++ is different from other programming languages. 

What is C++?

"C++ is a language for defining and using light-weight abstractions". It has significant strengths in areas where hardware must be handled effectively and there is significant complexity to cope with. --Bjarne Stroustrup

a) C++ is a General-purpose language that is fit for all domains.

b) Low-level things like C and Abstraction or High Level for Human representing things.

c) High-level abstraction(Human Understanding) efficient enough close enough to the hardware(Machine Understanding) for demanding or resource-intensive tasks.

d) C++ has classes that run as fast as C code.

e) C++ is helping us to write stable code. This means you need not rewrite your code again and again.

C++ Evolved a lot.

Year C++ Standard Informal name

1998 ISO/IEC 14882:1998[27]     C++98

2003 ISO/IEC 14882:2003[28]     C++03

2011 ISO/IEC 14882:2011[29]     C++11, C++0x

2014 ISO/IEC 14882:2014[30]     C++14, C++1y

2017 ISO/IEC 14882:2017[12]     C++17, C++1z

2020 Voted out and will be available in 2021

Why should someone learn C++?

In my opinion, the C++ user base will increase drastically in the future. As you can see when you have terabytes or zeta bytes of data to process in real-time and at the same time you want to use your H/W resource efficiently, with less power consumption, stability C++ could be the obvious choice. With AI/IoT/ML lots of data processing is needed in real-time at the same time providing the required abstraction level to make the programmer's life easy. C++ could be the choice.

More on the performance on the languages you can read Which Programming Languages Use the Least Electricity?

Apart from the things with my personal experience, I found if someone learns C++, it makes it easy to Learn Other Advanced Programming Languages.


Whether you are talking about AI, IoT, Self Driving Cars, Operating Systems, Web Browsers, or Desktop Applications, C++ is everywhere! All the popular web browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari are powered by C++.

Moreover, if you are a game lover, you will be surprised to know that many advanced game engines are designed using C++.

The challenge is to write correct C++, Not many resources for teaching pulls it back.

Most people don't use C++ the way it should be used. they use it as either C With classes or Like Java. 

It's not about what all you can do in a language. It's about how you should do things in a language.

So once you use it the way it should be used I am sure you are going to love it the most.

P.S. I am not advocating that someone should only learn C++. But in my opinion, C++ is the language you must have in your resume. It will be definitely a big plus. 

Readers, please provide your comments why do you think you learned C++ and if you have any advice for C++ enthusiasts. 


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